The condition of your haulage network directly affects the productivity and component life of your entire mining fleet. Now you can automatically analyse, visualise and quantify the impact.
Easily and quickly visualise the current condition and performance of your haulage routes.
Understand how and where haul road conditions are impacting your equipment.
Automatically prioritise road maintenance efforts and view the potential gain in tonnes.
Allocate, manage and track road maintenance tasks, then effortlessly measure the effect.
Benefit your mine by basing your decisions on measurable facts.
Haul Road Explorer is a browser-based data visualisation tool that does not require the installation of any extra hardware.
It displays the condition of both your haulage routes and haulage fleet by analysing thousands of kilometres of your mine's haulage data every day.
Haul Road Explorer automatically extracts, enriches and integrates data from your fleet management system into a single, powerful geospatial interface, allowing you to collaborate and perform root-cause analysis with a few clicks of your mouse.
Replay the movements of your equipment to improve safety and operator performance.
Understand how and where operational decisions affect the health of your assets, assign tasks and measure the outcome.
Perform inspections on a mobile device in the field and seamlessly upload images and comments to the interface.
Improve ore control and reduce dilution by identifying where loads are dumped outside of the design.
Automatically quantify how many tonnes could be gained by improving travel times and measure the impact of road maintenance projects.

"Haul Road Explorer is an intuitive tool we use at various sites to identify haul road design and construction issues that have resulted in valuable savings, all without adding additional hardware to the hauling fleet. Using existing data harvested from the fleet, overlaid in a geospatial context, we've been able to easily and quickly identify and improve issues that were contributing to lower-than-optimal hauling production. With its ability to show the location and impact of various events, we’ve also benefited from an increase in safety at these operations."
Jerry Rynearson
Mine Training Manager, Nevada
"MTS used Haul Road Explorer to analyse truck cycle data, and identified an opportunity of an extra two million tonnes per year from improvements to the main ramp. Haul Road Explorer also demonstrated exactly where on the haulage network this could be achieved and helped us understand how to do this"
Vladimir Omelyanovsky
Mining Division Manager, Ukraine
"With Haul Road Explorer I can (at last!) actually understand the reason behind why I have to apply a derating factor to reconcile theoretical cycle times with actual cycle times – whether it is a road in need of repairs, a junction with blind-spots, poor quality in-pit roads bouncing operators out of their seats or poorly designed switch-backs. Haul Road Explorer shows me where the issues are so I can dispatch road maintenance crews to target them. All this, in a package which is easily accessible by pit controllers, shift supervisors and managers."
David Pearce
Managing Director, SRK Consulting
"Haul Road Explorer is an incredibly powerful tool that allowed my team to understand where a machine was and what an operator was doing when equipment alarms were triggered, providing extra context that allowed us to perform faster analysis and elimination of false-positives."
Jason Nitz
Senior Manager, Newmont Corporation